Introduction to cross-cultural experiences

Course Objective
In this course, students will be provided the opportunity to learn about the fundamental dynamics of globalization and offers them a multidisciplinary curriculum in the humanities and social sciences through which they can explore the complex and multifaceted interconnections that characterize the contemporary world.

The student will also be assigned in and outside classroom activities and projects.  These activities will be supplemented with assigned readings, video clips, and documentaries.  Activities may include, but are not limited to, a series of weekly writing assignments, short papers, and discussions on the web forum.

Course Description
This course offers an introduction to the interdisciplinary program in Global Studies (GS).  As the foundational course for a GS major or minor, GS 2010 focuses on a series of issues and problems associated with ‘globalization.’  The course is also designed as a general liberal arts course for anyone—prospective GS majors and non-majors—seeking a better understanding of the processes and problems within political, economic, social, and environmental issues in the contemporary global system.  This course also establishes for the student a broad based foundation for understanding and appreciating perspectives and values of various cultures.

The objective of the course is to introduce the main components of the interdisciplinary major in GS and provide preparation for further study of issues related to globalization in both the GS program and its affiliated departments.

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